8 Meditation Myths


Meditation Myth #1: Meditation is “woo, woo” hippie stuff.

This is one of my favorite myths to bust!  Meditation is NOT something that is “just for hippies.”  There is actually a lot of research and evidence that shows physical, emotional, and medical benefits.

Meditation is about learning to work with your mind and learning to relax your body. If you want to lose weight, you start working out to achieve a healthy body. It is the same if you want a healthy mind! Meditation is a workout for your brain.

Meditation teaches you to relax.  Meditation teaches you to turn down the noise.  Meditation teaches you to calm stress and anxiety.

Meditation Myth #2: I can’t meditate because I think too much.

This a is very common myth I hear on a weekly basis in my office, especially with people who are anxious. And those who believe this myth are the ones who would benefit from meditation the most.  Meditation is about tuning in, not tuning out.

Start with guided meditations because it will walk you through what to do. If you mind wanders, THAT IS NORMAL! Just bring your awareness back to the meditation. It will get easier the more you practice!

Fun fact: If you practice redirecting your thoughts it is actually healthy for you. It teaches you to react less to stress triggers and leaves you feeling calmer than before you meditated.

Meditation Myth #3: It takes too long to learn how to meditate and feel the benefit.

Short term benefits of meditation start with the first meditation you try.  You can start to notice long term benefits as quickly as 2 weeks.  Yes, meditation does take consistent practice and while it can change the course of your life, it does NOT take years to feel the benefit.

Meditation Myth #4: Meditation is a religious or spiritual experience.

There is a distinct difference between meditation and religion. Yes, while meditation practices have roots in Buddhism, today there are modern forms of meditation that have nothing to do with religion at all.

Meditation can be whatever you want or need it to be. YOU get to CHOOSE! Yes, religions practice meditation OR believe in prayer as a form of meditation, but it is not necessity.

I know many people that meditate that are not religious or spiritual at all. Meditation is about learning to work with your mind and learn how to relax your body to live healthier and happier.

Meditation Myth #5: I can’t meditate because I can’t sit still.

Let’s go ahead and drop of the idea of perfection right now. You are allowed to move around, readjust, scratch an itch, stretch your legs! No need to be a statue.

Meditation can actually be practiced sitting, laying down, standing, or even walking! Choose whichever feels natural and most comfortable for your body.

Meditation Myth #6: Meditation is only for people who are stressed out.

I could talk about this one ALL DAY LONG! Yes, meditation can help in the moment when you are feeling all the emotions, but it can do so much more! I love learning about the brain so of course I learned what happens in the brain when we meditate. And let me tell you…

  • Meditating naturally releases dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, oxytocin, which are healing hormones.
  • Meditating decreases cortisol and adrenaline, which are the main two stress hormones. 
  • Results:
    Decreases blood pressure
    Improves sleep
    Boosts your immune system
    Increases focus
    Increases happiness
    Decreases stress, anxiety, depression
    Increases sense of control

Meditation Myth #7: I don’t have time to meditate.

Here is my other favorite! Did you know a good meditation can be only 60 seconds? All it takes is ONE minute out of the 1,440 minutes you get in a day.

And if done consistently you CAN feel less stressed from only one minute of meditation a day! I know because that is how I started.

Look, we are all busy! We all feel like we are going in 500 different directions daily. But it is time to make your health a priority! Anybody can take just 60 seconds out of the 86,400 seconds we all get in a day.

Meditation Myth #8: It is too hard and overwhelming to learn how to meditate.

Yes, there is a lot of information out there, but all you need to do is pick one thing. Pick one app to start, pick one book to read, pick one You Tube video to watch, pick one article to read. All it takes is one action!

My favorite meditation app to use is Insight Timer.  In the free version there are tens of thousands of meditations to choose from.  All the meditations can be categorized by time or by topic (i.e. stress, anxiety, sleep, happiness, etc.). 

If you would like individual guidance on how to learn to meditate or want to work on a personalized plan for your life contact me today.  I teach private lessons at my office and virtually.


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