One Simple Habit When Managing Stress
Have you ever gone through a stressful time in your life? Most people have. Let me share a small, yet valuable lesson that I have recently learned that has made an impact on my life.
When something stressful, overwhelming, or unexpected happens we often get thrown off of our normal schedules and routines. I (now) have learned that is the most important time to stick to our routines! Our brains like routine and operate best when it knows what to expect. Imagine how calm and relaxed your brain would feel if it knew it could rest and recharge doing the same
thing every day.
Think about it, what is the essential part or parts to your daily routine
that keep you sane? For me it is meditation. Meditation is a physical and
emotional reset that helps give me a sense of calm in the midst of chaos.
So think, what do you rely on most throughout your day? Is it your exercise
routine, reading, meditation, music, a specific food, etc? Whatever it is make it an everyday habit no matter what life throws your way. Because when life throws us an unexpected curveball that we cannot control, we can find a sense of peace in what we can control.
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